#This code is altered by Langqing Yi to fit the astro degree globe maps #the original code was written by Eric Myers. The code was downloaded from #http://hawksites.newpaltz.edu/myerse/2018/04/02/vernal-equinox-in-wooster-hall-how-it-was-done/ from PIL import Image import os images = [] durations = [] filenames = [] #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get a list of .png files for file in os.listdir('.'): name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if os.path.isfile(file) and ext == ".png": filenames.append(file) print ("Found ", len(filenames), "image files. ") filenames.sort() for file in filenames: img = Image.open(file) images.append(img) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print ("Writing the movie...") first = images.pop(0) print (len(images), len(durations)) first.save("map_movie.gif",save_all=True, append_images=images,duration=10,loop=0)