Brief Summary of GNU emacs keys (E. Myers, January 1989) ========================================================= Here are the most useful emacs keys. These should all be the same on any terminal or any computer. Note: ^ means you hold down the Control key while you press the other key. Also, if your terminal does not have an ESC key you can make ESC by typing "^[" (don't use F11 on vt200 terminals!). ^F forward-character ^B backward-character ^P previous-line ^N next-line ^E end-of-line ^A beginning-of-line ^V scroll-forward (forward one page) ESC-V scroll-backward (backward one page) ESC-< beginning-of-buffer (top of file) ESC-> end-of-buffer (end of file) ^O open-line (inserts a blank line) ^D delete-character ^K kill-to-end-of-line (and put stuff in kill buffer) ^Y yank (inserts contents of kill buffer at current point) ^@ set-mark (puts the "mark" at current "point") ^W kill-region (deletes between "point" and "mark" into kill buffer) ^X-^X exchange-point-and-mark (moves to mark, puts mark at point) ^\ search-forward (Press twice to repeat last search (with my .emacs)) ^S search-forward (Doesn't work on most Vassar terminals!) ^R search-reverse (Press twice to repeat last search) ESC-% query-replace (Search for one thing, replace with another. Press SPACE to replace, DEL to pass, ESC to quit, '?' for help.) ^L recenter (re-draw screen, centered on point) ^G quit (gets you out of anything) ^H help-for-help (several kinds of help. Press another key for: A - command-appropos, K - describe-key, ^H - more help) ^Z suspend-emacs (puts editing session on hold. return with "fg") ^X-^C save-files-quit-emacs (how to exit!) ^X-^F edit-file (to edit another file in another buffer) ^X-^W write-file (writes buffer to file) ^X-B switch-to-buffer (change to another editing buffer) ESC-x execute-extended-command (for functions not bound to keys) ^X-U advertised-undo (un-does the previous command(s)!) ESC-q fill-paragraph (strings it all together out to fill-column.) ESC-d kill-word ESC-c capitalize-word ESC-u upcase-word ESC-l downcase-word ESC-s center-line A tutorial can be run by pressing ^H for help and the the "T" key. A more complete quick reference card is available. The entire manual is online in the "Info" system. Type ^H-I and select the emacs menu item by typing "m emacs". A complete printed manual is also available.