# .twmrc for myers@scarlett.vassar.edu # # This file is read by twm (Tom's Window Manager) when it is started # and contains button, menu and color definitions for the windows which # twm manages. # # Eric Myers, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vassar College # @(#) $Revision: 1.5 $ : $Date: 1998/10/23 20:31:11 $ : $Author: myers $ #======================================================================* # FONTS: TitleFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" ResizeFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" MenuFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" IconFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*" IconManagerFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*" #======================================================================* # VARIABLES: # # Global parameters. Setting the first few ``No'' parameters makes life on a # slow X server a little more bearable. #NoRaiseOnResize # don't raise a window after resizing it #NoRaiseOnMove # nor when moving it #NoHighlight # don't highlight the window that has the cursor #SqueezeTitle # don't take title bar all the way across #NoTitleFocus # pointer must be in *window* to see keyboard input #Zoom 3 # zoom effect is nice, but not on slow computers RandomPlacement # just put it anywhere and I'll move it later ButtonIndent 2 NoMenuShadows DecorateTransients #DontMoveOff # don't let windows move off the screen BorderWidth 3 # use 3 pixel border instead of 2 #ShowIconManager # display the TWM icon manager? IconDirectory "/usr/local/lib/icons:lib/icons:/usr/local/include/X11/bitmaps" IconManagerGeometry "+0+0" # What to do on color displays: (Note: co-Xist assumes Color even # on a monochrome display when in Take-Over mode, so choose colors here # which look good in greyscale.) Color { IconBackground "AliceBlue" IconForeground "black" # IconBorderColor "black" BorderColor "black" TitleForeground "white" TitleBackground "RoyalBlue" MenuForeground "white" MenuBackground "DodgerBlue" MenuTitleForeground "grey" MenuTitleBackground "maroon" } # What to do on monochrome displays: Monochrome { BorderColor "black" BorderTileForeground "black" BorderTileBackground "gray85" IconBorderColor "black" } # Automatically raise these windows whenever the cursor moves into them Autoraise { "xbiff" "xload" "mush" "xclock" # and the clock too "gnuplot" "hostname" "Minibuffer@`hostname`" ## "XTerm" # this means the class of *all* xterm windows, be careful! ## "CONSOLE" # example of a single xterm window, called Console } # Don't bother to put these programs into the icon manager window: IconManagerDontShow { "xclock" "xbiff" "xload" } # Icons for programs (can also often be set as resources in .Xdefaults): Icons { "XTerm" "terminal" "mush" "mailempty" } IconRegion "500x128+450+0" North East 10 10 # Cursors for special things: Cursors { Menu "sb_right_arrow" # so pullovers point the RIGHT way! # Wait "coffee_mug" # the mug sucks } # Don't put a border around these windows: NoHighlight { "xeyes" "xpclock" "xping" # "xman" "xbiff" "xmeter" } # Windows with no title bar: NoTitle { "xclock" "xeyes" "xpclock" "xmeter" "xman" "xping" "xbiff" "xload" "xhostname" } #======================================================================* # BUTTONS AND KEYS: Note that this choice of button and key bindings # is meant to match the defaults for SunView, to make it easier for # those who are acustomed to SunView (like me) to make the switch to X. #==================================================* # FUNCTION KEYS: meaning of button entries is # #Key = Mod : Context : Function # # L5=FRONT on Sun/4 keyboard raises the indicated item "L5" = : window : f.raiselower "L5" = : title : f.raiselower "L5" = : icon : f.raiselower # L7=OPEN on Sun/4 keyboard iconifies object or opens it "L7" = : window : f.iconify "L7" = : title : f.iconify "L7" = : icon : f.iconify # L2=AGAIN on Sun/4 keyboard simply shuffles regardless of mouse position "L2" = : root : f.circledown "L2" = : window : f.circledown "L2" = : title : f.circledown "L2" = : icon : f.circledown # Sun and Dec both have F keys along the top of the keyboard "F1" = : window : f.raiselower "F1" = : title : f.raiselower "F1" = : icon : f.raiselower "F2" = : window : f.iconify "F2" = : title : f.iconify "F2" = : icon : f.iconify #==================================================* # BUTTONS: # # Meaning of button entries is: # # Button = Mod : Context : Function # where Mod is one or more of c, s, and m (control, shift, # and meta respectively). # Context is one of icon, root, title, frame, window, and # iconmgr. # Function is defined in the twm manual page # # for example: # Button1 = c : title : f.zoom # # means that if you hold down the control key (c) and press the # left button while the mouse pointer is in the title bar of a # window, then the f.zoom function (see the manual page to see # what that is) will be executed. # ---------- # ROOT menus(s): Button1 = : root : f.menu "Single Window Ops" Button2 = : root : f.menu "Global Window Ops" Button3 = : root : f.menu "Main Menu" # ---------- # FRAME menu: Button3 = : title : f.menu "Frame Menu" Button3 = : frame : f.menu "Frame Menu" # ---------- # SELECT icon or window Button1 = : icon : f.iconify Button1 = : title : f.raiselower # ---------- # MOVE: middle button moves windows or icons around by grabbing them Button2 = : icon : f.move Button2 = : title : f.move Button2 = : frame : f.move Button2 = m : window : f.move # ---------- # RESIZE: resize things without having to go up to the resize gadget Button1 = c : title : f.zoom Button1 = c : frame : f.zoom Button1 = s : window : f.zoom Button2 = c : title : f.resize Button2 = c : frame : f.resize Button2 = s : window : f.resize # ---------- # autoraise, focus, etc Function "raise-focus" { f.raise f.unfocus f.focus } Button1 = s : window : f.function "raise-focus" #Button1 = c : window : f.autoraise Button3 = s : window : f.focus #======================================================================* # MENUS: Menu "Frame Menu" { "Frame Menu" f.title "Full Screen" f.fullzoom "Zoom" f.zoom "Resize" f.resize "Close" f.iconify "Move" f.move "Front" f.raise "Back" f.lower "Refresh" f.winrefresh "Quit" f.destroy } menu "Main Menu" { "Main Menu" f.title "Remote Logins" f.menu "Remote Logins" "Shells" f.menu "Shells" "Tools" f.menu "Tools" "Services" f.menu "Services" "Editors" f.menu "Editors" "Games and Demos" f.menu "Demos" "Refresh Display" f.refresh "Lock screen" !"nice -3 xlock &" "Help" f.menu "Help" "Exit TWM" f.menu "Exit TWM" } # Operations on a single window: Menu "Single Window Ops" { "Single Window Ops" f.title "Identify" f.identify "(De)Iconify" f.iconify "Refresh" f.winrefresh "Destroy" f.destroy "Focus Kbd" f.focus "Unfocus Kbd" f.unfocus "Move" f.move "Resize" f.resize "Lower" f.lower "Raise" f.raise } # Global window commands: menu "Global Window Ops" { "Global Window Ops" f.title "Preferences" f.menu "Preferences" "Circulate Windows Up" f.circleup "Circulate Windows Down" f.circledown "Unfocus Keyboard" f.unfocus "Lock screen" !"nice -3 xlock &" "Reinitialize TWM" f.twmrc "Refresh Display" f.refresh } menu "Exit TWM" { "Wait, I didn't mean it" ("white":"red") f.beep "Yes, Really Exit!" ("black":"green") f.quit } # Shell Windows: menu "Shells" { "Shells" f.title "csh " !"xterm -name csh -title csh -e csh &" # "tcsh " !"xterm -name tcsh -title tcsh -e tcsh &" # "bash " !"xterm -name bash -title bash -e bash &" "sh " !"xterm -name sh -title sh -e sh &" # "ksh " !"xterm -name ksh -title ksh -e ksh &" # "zsh " !"xterm -name zsh -title zsh -e zsh &" # "tcsh 48" !"xterm -g 80x48 -title 'tcsh 48' -e tcsh &" "Console" !"xterm -geom 80x10+0+0 -C -sb -bg darkgreen -fg white \ -title CONSOLE -name Console &" "SuperUser" ("black" : "LimeGreen") !"xterm -name SuperUser \ -title SuperUser -bd LimeGreen -e su &" } # Preferences: menu "Preferences" { "Preferences" f.title "Ctrl <-> Caps Lock" !"xmodmap /usr/local/lib/X11/xmod.ctrl" "Backspace --> Del" !"xmodmap /usr/local/lib/X11/xmod.del" "Disable Caps Lock" !"xmodmap .xmod.nocaps" "Bell Loud" ("HotPink":"bisque") !"xset b 80&" "Bell Normal" ("HotPink":"bisque") !"xset b on&" "Bell Off" ("HotPink":"bisque") !"xset b off&" "Click Loud" ("HotPink":"azure") !"xset c 80&" "Click Normal" ("HotPink":"azure") !"xset c on&" "Click Off " ("HotPink":"azure") !"xset c on&" "Lock On" !"xset led on&" "Lock Off" !"xset led off&" "Mouse Fast" ("HotPink":"gold") !"xset m 4 2 &" "Mouse Normal" ("HotPink":"gold") !"xset m 2 5 &" "Mouse Slow" ("HotPink":"gold") !"xset m 1 1 &" "Hide Icon Manager" f.hideiconmgr "Show Icon Manager" f.showiconmgr } # Tools: menu "Tools" { "Tools" f.title "Load Average" !"xload -geometry 122x70-246+0 &" "" f.beep "GRAPHICS" ("Maroon" : "grey80") f.title "xv" !"xv &" "XFig " !"xfig -me &" # "ACE/gr" !"xvgr >/dev/null 2>&1 &" "GNUplot" !"xterm -name GNUplot -T GNUplot -e gnuplot &" "Ghostview" !"ghostview &" "Magnifier" !"xmag &" "Magnifier (2X)" !"xmag -mag 2 &" "Magnifier (128 bits)" !"xmag -source 128x128 &" " etc... " ("Maroon" : "grey80") f.title "Calculator (HP)" !"xcalc -rpn -geometry 246x142-0+75 &" "Calculator (TI)" !"xcalc &" "clock" !"xclock -chime &" # "Performance monitor" !"xmeter -load `hostname` &" # "Perfmon" !"xperfmon &" # "Calendar" !"xcalendar &" } # Services: menu "Services" { "Services" f.title # "UseNet News" !"xterm -g 80x48 -T NetNews -e trn &" # "World Wide Web " !"Mosaic &" # "Weather Map" !"wxbg &" "Print Window" !"xdpr -device ps &" # # " " f.beep # "Eject Floppy" !"/bin/eject /dev/rfd0c" # "CD Player" !"/usr/demo/CDROM/x_cdplayer" # "Eject CD" !"/bin/eject /dev/sr0" " " f.beep "Reinitialize TWM" f.twmrc "TWM Version" f.version "Reinitialize X Resources" !"xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults" " " f.beep "hostname" !"xhostname &" "Read Mail (xmh)" !"xmh &" "Watch for Mail" !"xbiff &" "Unix Help (man pages)" !"xman &" } # Editors: menu "Editors" { "Editors" f.title "X emacs" !"xemacs &" "emacs" !"xterm -fn 9x15 -g 80x48 -e emacs &" "vi" !"xterm -fn 9x15 -g 80x48 -e vi &" "X Editor" !"xedit -geometry +100+100 &" # "pico" !"xterm -fn 9x15 -g 80x48 -e pico &" # "Notepad" !"/usr/bin/dxnotepad &" } # Demos: menu "Demos" { "Demos" f.title "Moon" !"xphoon" "Eyes" !"xeyes &" "Puzzle" !"puzzle &" "X Logo" !"xlogo &" "Muncher" !"muncher &" "Plaid" !"plaid &" "Ico" !"ico &" } # Help: menu "Help" { "Unix" !"xterm -geometry 80x34+0-0 -T 'Help With TWM' -e help &" "X windows" !"xterm -geometry 80x34+0-0 -T 'Help With TWM' -e xman &" "twm" !"xterm -geometry 80x34+0-0 -T 'Help With TWM' -e man twm &" } # Remote Logins: menu "Remote Logins" { "Remote Logins" f.title "dirac" !"xterm -title dirac -e rlogin -8 dirac &" "feynman" !"xterm -title feynman -e rlogin -8 feynman &" "walden" !"xterm -title walden -e rlogin -8 walden &" "thoth" !"xterm -title thoth -e rlogin -8 thoth &" "bohr" !"xterm -title bohr -e rlogin -8 bohr &" "yuling" !"xterm -title yuling -e rlogin -8 yuling &" "williams" !"xterm -title williams -e rlogin -8 williams &" "Library" !"xterm -name 'Mirlyn' -title 'UM Library' -e tn3270 mirlyn.lib.umich.edu &" "login@ITD" !"xterm -title login@ITD -e telnet login.itd.umich.edu &" "hepdec01" !"xterm -title hepdec01 -e rlogin -8 hepdec01 &" "oahu" !"xterm -title oahu -e rlogin -8 oahu &" }